AD:VANTAGE - People's Currency
AD:VANTAGE is a People's Currency
AD:VANTAGE - People's Currency
AD:VANTAGE is a People's Currency.You get Paid for your Attention, not media giants!Each time when you make action brands have asked you to do, you get some ADVN coins. You can watch commercials, download their app, or just vote add you will get ADVN coins for free. You will also get ADVN coins for a lot's of products on promotions or from your favorite stores.ADVN coins you've gained now are ready to be spent in on-line and off-line stores who accept advn:Pay(ment) system. You can also send some of your coins to your friends and relatives all around the world.All transaction you do in store or if you just send some coins to your friends, would be super fast (around 2 seconds per transaction) and super cheep - just 0,5% (ex. when you send 100ADVN you would be charged 0,5 ADVN)Whole AD:VANTAGE system is based on blockchain, so you would be anonymous for ever.Nobody, including Blu Vela - owner of the AD:VANTAGE, would never take any of your personal data.So, if you do not give your data, nobody can sell them. And you are secure, forever!