
Falco Schaffrath

Locus Map Tasker Plugin

An open source Tasker plugin for Locus Map

Locus Map Tasker Plugin

An open source Tasker plugin for Locus Map.It makes it able to include Locus Map Add-On API in your Tasker tasks.To use this app you need to buy Locus Map and Tasker.Features:• request Data from Locus Map• execute Locus Map actions• extend Locus Map API with remaining elevation calculations for guiding• common usage examples• Ad-freeTasker integration• get statistics and sensor data as Tasker Variables• select Locus Map actions to executeLocus Map integration (restricted, partial implementation):• run Tasker task to pick location• share point with Tasker task• share geocache with Tasker task• share track with Tasker task• share multiple point with Tasker task• start Tasker task to create search result• Tasker task selection as function buttonMore API functions will follow if you request them Request form: careful, this application is not tested on more than one device. It will fail without any reason if you did miss any precondition.This plugin does not implement every part of Locus Map API right now because I need to know the Tasker use-case to implement a proper translation from Locus API to Tasker. If you miss something, please share your Tasker project ideas at my Github project page to tell me. Project page: is created for my personal use but I would like to share it to all people who like Tasker and won’t bother with app compilation. It is not free because every Appstore does charge some money and I don’t want to waste my time with implementing advertising into the app.Example usage in my personal Tasker projects:• toogle dashboard with hardware buttons• add remaining uphill elevation of track guiding as overlay• translate pitch angle to slope and display as overlay• center map to gps position on custom speed threshold• automatic Locus Map screen lock instead of android screen lock• continue navigation to target with Google MapsAdd-on for application Locus Map