Beer + List, Ratings & Reviews
Do you love beer and trying out new brews?Keep a journal of your tasting notes and ratings with this beer app

Beer + List, Ratings & Reviews
Do you love beer and trying out new brews?Keep a journal of your tasting notes and ratings with this beer app. Keep notes on that great microbrew you just tried.Keep a log of your beer experiences the next time you have a glass at a bar, at a beer festival, or at home. Rate your favorites on your phone so you'll never forget them.Read beer reviews that others have shared in our community and search the beer guide for interesting beers to add to your Wish ListSee which beers you drink the most with the beer counter.Features• Backup your beer info to the server. If you lose your phone or upgrade to a new phone, just restore your info to the new phone so you don't have to re-enter everything.• Store a photo of the bottle label to go along with your notes.• Export your beer info in CSV format and save it to your phone's SD Card or email it to yourself.• Use the statistics tracker to monitor your beer information with stats like Total Number of Beer Tracked, Average Rating, Most Consumed, Beers by Style, By Serving Type (Bottle, Tap, Can, etc.), by Country, by StateLAST UPDATE- Added Rotate Photo button- Alphabetized beer styles- New Photo Size option under Settings- Restore/Import should now update a beer if the import is newer instead of always adding for those synching between different devices)- Backup to Server sends email confirmation if email address is entered- New colors for those that didn't like gray- Added Wish List to Bulk Delete- Improved UI on Tablets- Added price to main list- Added new sorting optionsPREVIOUS UPDATES- Added photo to main list- Can now add shared beers/online search to beer list and wish list- Fixed Post to Facebook- Tapping on someone's name in shared ratings shows all their past beer ratings- Added Sample to Serving Types- Added Norwegian currency- Added Sort by Country- Search now searches Country and Brewer fields as well- Beer Photos can now be shared on Facebook- Send beer review via Email- Fixed import bug for names with spaces in them- Moved Style to lower heading - Fixed crash during CSV Export- Added Post to Facebook Wall option- Can now "Move to SD Card" (app2sd) - Added Barcode option to Wish List- Can now add a shared beer from Others to wish list- Wish List is now exported to CSV- Export to Server includes Wish List- Added ability to change currency under Settings- Export to Server now supports utf8 characters