
The Pixel Maker

C Programs Handbook

This app contains a number of c programs that are frequently asked in technical interviews

C Programs Handbook

This app contains a number of c programs that are frequently asked in technical interviews. It's like a programming handbook for a software developer which can be used for brushing-up c programming skills.<-- Here is list of programs. -->1. Program to calculate the factorial of a number 2. Program to calculate the sum digits of a number 3. Program to reverse a number 4. Program to check the number is strong number or not 5. Program to calculate the prime factors of a numbers 6. Program to check given number is armstrong or not 7. Program to check given number is palendrome or not 8. Program to add between any two numbers using loop 9. Program to calculate daily expenditure if monthely expenditure is given using loop10. Program to count number of bits are set to 1 in an integer 11. Program to calculate G.C.D of any two numbers 12. Program to calculate L.C.M of two numbers.13. Program to calculate fibonacci series 14. Program to calculate string palindrome 15. Program to check the number is Prime number or not 16. Program to find largest number in an array 17. Program to find Second largest number in an array 18. Program to remove duplicate elements in an array 19. Program to convert decimal to binary 20. Program to convert binary to decimal21. Program to check the number is perfect number or not22. Program to find generic root of a number23. Program to check a year is leap year or not24. Program to revese a string 25. Program to add a sub-string in a string 26. Program to traverse a string in reverse order27. Program to count number of vowels, digits, characters and word present in string28. Program to add between two matrix29. Program to multiplication between two matrix30. Program to transpose a matrix31. Program to check a matrix is sparse matrix or not32. Program to calculate Amicable pairs from 1 to 100033. Program to calculate Sum of the series 1+2+3+---------+n34. Program to find area triangle35. Program for Bubble sort36. Program for Selection sort37. Program for insertion sort38. Program for Quick Sort39. Program for Merge Sort40. Program for Sequential search using array41. Program for Sequential search using linked list42. Program for Binary search using array43. Program for Binary search using linked list44. Program to implement stack using linked list45. Program to convert infix to prefix notation46. Program to Evaluate postfix notation50. Program to traverse linked list in reverse order