
mEL Studio

Productivity pomodoro timer - Stay focused

The pomodoro timer technique will allow you to instantly raise the efficiency of your work and increase your productivity in the shortest possible time

Productivity pomodoro timer - Stay focused

The pomodoro timer technique will allow you to instantly raise the efficiency of your work and increase your productivity in the shortest possible time. The tomato timer sense - is that you break your workflow into short intervals - pomodoros, during which you pay attention only to work, and nothing more.🕔 Such productivity timer approach will allow you to fully concentrate on your projects, and also to make better plans of your projects.Stay focused timer functionality:✓ Classic Pomodoro Technique system - with sound signals and notifications, as well as rest intervals;✓ Adjust the productivity timer for yourself - set its duration, rest time, number of pomodoros per day, and also choose the sound signals for the beginning and end of each session;✓ Use a thoughtful system of projects - measure each project in pomodoros and with one click start a pomodoro timer;✓ View detailed statistics - how many pomodoros you have done, your most effective days of the week, and many other stay focused timer indicators.👍 Productivity timer will allow you to take your work time under control and considerably raise your productivity and efficiency. Just try to work with tomato timer for 3-4 days, and after that you can definitely see the results.💻 The technique of the tomato is famous for its simplicity and efficiency, all the more having always a phone at hand, you can break any workflow or project into work sites and use stay focused timer at any time and place.😃 By the way, this application was also developed with the help of pomodoro timer