
hKZ, the design (Chris & Jarald)

hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Classic

hKZ LL template, Car Launcher- the Classic----------------------------------------------------------------------------** New features **

hKZ LL-Car Launcher-Classic

hKZ LL template, Car Launcher- the Classic----------------------------------------------------------------------------** New features **.Customizable own app with extra slot ex) Long press the icon then modify your favorite app easily----------------------------------------------------------------------------hKZ template is based on Lightning Launcher, especially recommended to the car navigation(1024x600; Mstar, RKxxxx, Rkpx3)----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ATTENTION **.You need a Lightning Launcher --> Car Navigation recommended **********----------------------------------------------------------------------------** hKz LL template **2 desktops (day-mode & night-mode) in one template basically : Long press the Car LOGO, then you can enjoy changeable separated day and night-mode manually!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Description **[1024x600 Car Navigation recommended].Audio - Audio1/ 2/ 3.Video - Video1/ 2/ 3.Navigation - Navi1/ 2/ 3* You can change the preset apps as your favorite'--> Long press the "Current ICON or text" -> Pencil icon(modify function) -> Select app -> to select favorite app as you want----------------------------------------------------------------------------** Installation **Tutorial>> (too easy)----------------------------------------------------------------------------** additional files(car logo for Tip2) **** Tip 1(basic operation) ** 1)Long press Car Logo -> Changeable screen mode(day <-> night) manually2)Swipe from up to down with two fingers -> pull down the notification bar3)Swipe from down to up with two fingers -> close the notification bar** Tip 2(changing CAR LOGO) ** Long press the screen except(important!!) Car Logo(bottom left) for modification-> Pencil icon(modify function-> Long press the Car Logo(bottom left) -> Customize item.. -> Select an icon-> Find your favorite LOGO ** Tip 3(Add extra widget for weather and clockWidget shown for:"XWidget"- But some devices did not perfect compatibility with our templateonce appear some problem, you had better change widget from Xwidgetto another(e.g. material )If you use others please adjust by yourself (Widgets)also If you want to use xwidget for weather, should install the app at playstore belong to the hKZ template)----------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally, our news for new arrival template(theme) always be there, and have fun.