basequation - practice equation solving
With basequation you can train how to solve an equation for a given variable
basequation - practice equation solving
With basequation you can train how to solve an equation for a given variable.As a physics teacher I often experience that my students – even in the upper secondary school! – lose many points (and a lot of self-confidence) by not having enough practice with the basic operations of equations conversion.However, this can not alway be sufficiently trained in the classroom. “Practice that at home” I used to say – knewing that wouldn’t happen. How are students supposed to do this? You need equations to work with, you need correction and explanation.That’s where basequation fits in perfectly. Playfully, like a quiz, you solve tasks in the subway or in front of the TV on your mobile phone (in several difficulty levels) and thus improve your score – as well as your effectiveness and your self-confidence in maths, economics and science.Each equation is resolved step by step. In the simplest category, this is usually only one step, but in higher levels of difficulty it can be quite a few. Every right step gives you points and every equation will be solved in the end.basequation will not teach you how to solve a pq formula or how to juggle with logarithms. It does not provide any knowledge about trigonometry or infinite calculus. But it paves your way.