
Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc.

Peterson iStroboSoft Tuner

iStroboSoft™ Application for the Android Phones***In-app purchases are not available at this time

Peterson iStroboSoft Tuner

iStroboSoft™ Application for the Android Phones***In-app purchases are not available at this time. Peterson Strobe Tuner's popular StroboSoft tuning application iStroboSoft™ offers the unmatched accuracy of a mechanical strobe tuner for the highest degree of precision available in a software tuning application.Plug in, use the internal microphone or an external microphone and tune your instruments quickly and easily with 1/10th cent accuracy. Peterson Tuners has offered tuning solutions for over 65 years and is the only company specializing in hardware and software tuning products for all levels of musicians.FEATURES:• Exclusive strobe display allows you to achieve an unmatched level of accuracy.• Note/Octave window displays the correct note and octave for the note being tuned.• Cents display allows you to see how far out of tune your note is in cent values. • Glowing flat/sharp indicators assist when tuning a note very far from the target position and it is difficult to gauge which direction the strobe is moving.• Calibration mode: iStroboSoft can be calibrated to an external source guaranteeing 1/10th cent accuracy.• Drop/Capo mode: iStroboSoft will auto-transpose notes up or down to one full octave.• Manual note selection mode to zero in on a particular note. • Full screen mode permits the strobe display to be maximized on screen to allow better viewing from a distance.• Adjustable Concert A: Change the Concert A reference of the tuner to accommodate tuning to a fixed instrument, such as a piano, or tune instruments that do not utilize the typical Western A440 reference.Compatible Operating Systems:2.3 and higher Gingerbread3.1 and higher Honeycomb4.0 and higher Ice Cream Sandwich4.1 and higher Jelly Bean4.4 and higher KitKat5.0 and higher LollipopNot currently for use with Blue Tooth audio input.