Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace
Oodle - Classified ads is an easier means to access Oodle
Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace
Oodle - Classified ads is an easier means to access Oodle.com on your mobile device. Now browse, search and post classifieds on oodle through your mobile on-the-go.Looking for daily classified ads to search for products, job ads, yard sale, garage sale or car sale? Oodle - Classified ads is a mobile browser solution for website doodle.com to improve the user's experience and provide easy access to users on Ooodle. Oodle is the largest classifieds marketplace in the world to sell, buy, rent house, furniture, property, new & used stuff etc.Oodle - Classified ads classifieds marketplace makes selling stuff super easy for you by letting you post for sale ads of a garage, yard, furniture, property, used cars or listing homes for rent ads, straight from a mobile app. You can browse the products & services, posted by the neighbors next door or others around. Now let go off things you don’t want anymore & offer up to make some money.Our browser app can also be used to find events nearby, upload resumes to find jobs, to join the community of artists, politics, volunteers next door or any other group of people, search for gigs or services related to beauty, computers, finance, real estate etc. Some of the most loved features of the app are:✓User-friendly search✓Account login✓Ability to save favorite ads✓Share ads directly from app✓Post & offer up sale ads directly from the app✓Reply, call, text directly from app✓Sort items for sale in the results by low/high priceBecause Oodle is just a browser, we are able to bring all the native things that you love about doodle.com. Oodle - Classified ads is an extremely easy-to-use app that allows users to search from millions of craigslist classified ads posted every day, and to post ads directly from the app. Optimized for the mobile devices, Oodle - Classified ads provides functionalities of the browser version of the doodle Classifieds on mobile devices with easy and usability.Browse through sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community, gigs, resumes, & discussion forums with more than 80 million new classified advertisements posted each month. Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace lets you post to Craigslist from within the app and helps you in selling stuff, finding local deals ranging from furniture, property, used cars, to garage sale, yard sale, homes for rent. Through Oodle you can buy items & products, avail services or join online communities presenton craigslist.★ NEW!! added UI features:- Easy access to your oodle account.- Quick access to your postings for selling stuff easily.- Easily set & see your alerts on new for sale postings based on your search criteria.- User login persistence to keep you logged in longer.- Let go off ads from Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace.- Save Searches along with your favorite products or other classifieds. Just perform a search & select the add to favorites button.- Ability to select multiple cities to search through at one time. Select the cities you are interested in, under the city select option, then use the up & down arrow to change to a different city after your search.Use Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace app to access buy and sell classified ads in United States, Canada, Australia, France and other countries. The app is available worldwide.Post ads to sell items, used cars, garage, yard, furniture, offer up products, rent cars, rent house, buy car, services or find useful stuff nearby on world’s biggest classified marketplace using Oodle - Classified ads MarketPlace App.*We are not directly affiliated with oodle, however, we are providing a more convenient way to access oodle.com through a mobile browser experience*