Web page creation is very easy to learn! You will like it!From scratch, step by step to understand and master the whole process of web design and production
Web page creation is very easy to learn! You will like it!From scratch, step by step to understand and master the whole process of web design and production.Learn how to create a site using HTML/Xhtml.In the HTML/Xhtml tutorial, we'll show you the differences between HTML and XHTML, and we'll show you how to upgrade this site to XHTML.HTML5 is the next generation of HTML.The HTML5 tutorial introduces you to the new features of HTML5, Html5 code example learning, and HTML5 advanced.CSS tutorialThe CSS tutorial learns CSS code editing, CSS code instance learning operations, and how to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple web pages simultaneously.XML/XSLT tutorialLearn to understand the processing instructions in XML, XML. Transform XML tools, XML / XSLT web page production tutorials including XML / XSLT introductory tutorials, method skills, example tutorials, grammar and other web content.Dreamweaver tutorialLearn how to design static and dynamic pages and develop dynamic websites using DreamweaverCC+CSS+jQueryUI+jQueryMobile+ASP.DreamweaverCC web design tutorials include: using DreamweaverCC to create web pages, using DreamweaverCC to design web styles, using DreamweaverCC to design interactive pages, using DreamweaverCC to design mobile pages, using DreamweaverCC to design dynamic websites, and integrating case parts.Frontpage tutorialHow to use FronPage 2003,Frontpage creates a new website, including text editing, image insertion, tables, frames, forms, styles, behaviors, and dynamic effects on the home page.