UTM Geo Map
- Get Latitude Longitude, UTM WGS 84 & MGRS coordinates from GPS / Map in real time
UTM Geo Map
- Get Latitude Longitude, UTM WGS 84 & MGRS coordinates from GPS / Map in real time. Create marker / marking point and save coordinates data into database, copy all marker data to clipboard or export to KML, GPX or CSV.- Measure multiple marker complete with unique ID, coordinates (latitude longitude, UTM & MGRS), address, elevation msl (premium), editable notes / labeling & date taken. This data can be stored in local database with unlimited numbers, use as source data for analysis (buffering, overlay & TIN data) or export to KML, GPX or CSV and save to your google drive for further use.- Offline GPS with Latitude Longitude, UTM & MGRS Coordinates, Altitude, Elevation MSL, Accuracy, Speed, Bearing & Satellite Information.- Convert Latitude & Longitude (dd & dms) to UTM (WGS 84) & MGRS vice versa. Share, save to database, save to clipboard or show results on the map.- Batch converter from Latitude Longitude and MGRS Coordinates.- Area & distance measurement (support units: m, km, ft, mile, hectare, acre), save line / polygon & area / distance results in database. Show multiple polygon and line in the map, export line & polygon to KML, GPX or CSV. Perform smoothing, buffering & overlay for simple GIS analysis. Auto generate polygon from marker data using Convex Hull, split polygon by line / polyline, delete marker inside or outside polygon, snap nearest object. Option to change line / polygon background color. Show label for each line / polygon: ID, custom note / label or area / distance value.- Sophisticated & customizable Line & polygon smoothing using cubic bezier interpolation in Area / Distance measurement, design for collecting linear data to use in buffering & overlay analysis.- Buffering: Create buffer map polygon with specific distance from existing marker (fix or variable buffer) or line & polygon from A/D measurement data (also support for negative buffer). Save buffer in database or export to KML, GPX or CSV.- Buffer overlay tools for simple GIS analysis (union, intersection & difference).- TIN view (triangulated irregular network, using delaunay triangulation), Voronoi Diagram, Convex Hull, Fix Buffer & Variable Buffer view in Marker Map module.- Save geometry (Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Diagram, Convex Hull, Fix Buffer, Variable Buffer) to KML file and stored in Google Drive.- Search for location on the map based on Latitude Longitude / UTM / MGRS / GPS coordinates / Marker ID / Address.- Calculate bearing / azimuth & distance between 2 Latitude Longitude / UTM / MGRS / GPS coordinates.- Compass with geodetic & magnetic azimuth / bearing & magnetic declination.- Geocoding & reverse geocoding (convert address to coordinates & convert coordinate to address). This premium process needs internet connection.- Elevation profile / elevation chart, support units metric & ft/mile from manual measurement, using available markers or auto generate route. Get free elevation for each measure markers.- Load KML & GeoJSON file as a reference.Elevation (needs data / internet connection) now available to buy on premium section. Every marker measured and coordinate converter results (except batch converter) will be completed with elevation data.Free option to get MSL elevation with lower accuracy are available using Offline GPS, this elevation is base on EGM 96 15' Geoid model. Other free option to get elevation data can be found in Elevation Profile module & Marker Data List module. Download App Quick Start Guide (pdf): http://www.yogantara.info/utmgeomapquickstart.pdf Visit our website: http://www.yogantara.comTutorial on YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspxQ5nQiqRD88g_-6GcCqwAny suggestions are welcome, please email to geomap@yogantara.info or write a review. Thank you.