SAO KitKat Theme
The first official theme for SAO Launcher! Enhance the experience with new images and sounds inspired by Android 4
SAO KitKat Theme
The first official theme for SAO Launcher! Enhance the experience with new images and sounds inspired by Android 4.4 KitKat.To apply the theme, if you haven't already, download Sword Art Online Launcher. Then, go into Options and select it from the list of themes. It should show up automatically and apply immediately.
Accept CC
Alarm Button
Appointment System
Audio Library
Audio Stream
Conference Call
Direct Video Call
Gps tracking
HQ Image Library
In-App Purchases
Loyalty Coupon
Public Calendar
Push Notifications
QR Code Coupon
Skippables Advertise Banner
Skippables Advertise Interstitial
Video Library
360 View
Voice Record List