

Electronics Calculator Pro

Only available in English

Electronics Calculator Pro

Only available in English.Electronics Calculator Pro is a utility application consisting of various calculators, conversions, reference tables, pin outs and basic pocket calculator.The pro version has additional calculators, references, extra info and all formulas.Calculators:DC Circuits:• Ohm`s Law• Voltage divider - resistive• LED resistor• RL transient circuits• RC transient circuits• Wheatstone bridgeAC Circuits:• Reactance• Impedance• Star Delta Transformation• AC PowerPower Supply:• Transformer ratios• Rectifiers• Capacitor filter• Transformer efficiency• Voltage regulator - LM317• Voltage regulator - zener diode Amplification:• Slew Rate• Gain | Ratio• Non Inverting Op Amp• Inverting Op Amp• Differential Op Amp• Inverting Summing Op AmpFilters:• RC filter – passive• LC filter – passive• RL filter – passiveSemiconductors:• Series Circuits• Parallel Circuits• Capacitors • Inductors • Diodes • 555 Timer• Air Core InductorsIdentification:• Resistor – color bands• Inductor – color bands• Capacitor – printed• Fuse, glass – color bands• Diodes• 7-Segment displayPhysics:• Coulomb`s Law• Magnetism• Joules Law - heatingConverters:• Area • Angle • Temperature • Power • Distance/length • Number base Reference:• SI unit prefixes• Logic gates• 74xx ic• ASCII• Abbreviations• Schematic symbols• Ingress protection• Decibel suffixes• RF SpectrumPin out:• Audio/videoo RCA connectoro Jack - TSo Jack - TRSo Jack - TRRSo SCARTo VGAo DIN• Computero USB - type A and Bo USB - mini and microo Serial - DE9o Serial - DB25o PS2o AT keyboard• Gamingo Game/MIDI port• Displayo 7 segmento LCD 16 x 2o LCD 16 x 4• Microcontrollero Atmega 8 - DIPo Atmega 8 - MLFo Atmega 8 - TQFPo Atmega 328 - DIPo Atmega 328 - TQFPo Atmega 328 - MLFo Atmega 2560o Atmega 8u2 - QFNo Atmega 8u2 - TQFPo Atmega 16u2 - QFNo Atmega 16u2 - TQFPo Atmega 32u2 - QFNo Atmega 32u2 - TQFP• Miscellaneouso OBD II