Text Util - Text Counter and Word Counter
Text utils is app that can be use to help with counting text, formatting text and modify text
Text Util - Text Counter and Word Counter
Text utils is app that can be use to help with counting text, formatting text and modify text.+ Feature +Text Counter This feature do count for character (w/ and w/o space), count words & unique words, letters, number, paragraph, vowels,consonant, and include custom count based on text search.Text Case Converter Convert text case to uppercase, lowercase & title case, also able to convert only matching text.Find & Replace Simple find & replace feature.Join Text Join up to 20 text with custom delimiter.Add Prefix / Suffix Add prefix / suffix to text or per paragraph.Randomize List of Text Randomize a list of text that separate by line break.Line Break Remover Remove line break of paragraph and join it with space or by delimiter of your choice. Text Scramble Scramble letter position of a word, scramble word position on a sentence, or do both.