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1000 Things Worth Knowing

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1000 Things Worth Knowing

This eBook is in Public Domain and free to use in united states and other part of the world. The content of the eBook is under Project Gutenberg This is a full eBook and audio book which has a feature for user to choose if they want to read or listen to the eBook.The application has all the qualities that an eBook should have some of them are as follows:-1.epub reader2.white background for reading at background for reading at night4.highlight content that you want 5.diffrent color schemes book 8.inbuild dictionary9.offline and online definition system to define words or statements10.raw files includedSome of the content of the eBook are as follows :-Age.—About 50 per cent. of the persons living in the United States are under 20 years of age, 45 per cent. from 20 to 60 years, and 5 per cent. over 60 years, the average age being about 25 years. This average seems low, and is due largely to infant mortality. If the percentage was taken excluding those under 15 years of age it would be very much higher.Agricultural Implement Industry.—Capital invested, about $260,000,000, and an annual output of about $150,000,000. About 60,000 people are employed.Artificial Ice.—The artificial manufacture of ice is of somewhat recent origin, and there are over 2,000 ice-making plants in the United States, exclusive of those used by breweries, packers, and others for the making of their own ice. Artificial ice-making showed an increase of 81 per cent. during the last few yearsBlind.—In the United States there are about 65,000 blind persons, a little more than half of whom are totally blind. Of this number about 37,000 are males, and about 28,000 females.