

Simple Shower Timer

Our shower timer app is the perfect tool for helping your family save water on one of the most water use intensive activities in our daily lives

Simple Shower Timer

Our shower timer app is the perfect tool for helping your family save water on one of the most water use intensive activities in our daily lives. When we take a shower we use hundreds of gallons of precious water and this resource is difficult to replenish. When you time your family's showers you're helping your household save water.With our shower timer you no longer have to count songs on the radio to know when you're suppose to start wrapping up your shower. Our app also notifies you when you've reached the 45 second mark and the 30 second mark before it gives you a final warning that your shower timer has ended, so you have a bit of time to finish getting all the soap out of your hair.Saving water has plenty of benefits including saving more money on your utility bill, help drought prone cities conserve water, if you have children teach them the precious lesson of not wasting. For those of us who are always running behind schedule in the morning the shower timer is an excellent way to limit the amount of time you're spending in the shower, letting you get out of your house on time for that meeting or flight.Using our app is simple:Our app is simple to use, enter the amount of time you want to shower for, and start the timer. The simple user interface is quick and easy to learn, there is a beautiful water drop timer display for the background, our app also includes fun facts about water that are great to share with your family.Enjoy your bath or shower without the guilt of wasting water, time your showers from now on so you don't go overboard. This app is great to be used by adults and even children.I created this app to help my son keep his water usage to a minimum because of the current 5 year long drought we have here in California but I know this app will help others out there as well, whether it is to conserve water from a drought or to lower your water usage and lower your utility bill. Saving water also saves on gas that is needed to heat that water up, therefore when you time your showers you will be saving many of our natural resources.