
Android Money Manager Ex Prj

Money Manager Ex for Android

Money Manager Ex is a free, Open Source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software

Money Manager Ex for Android

Money Manager Ex is a free, Open Source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money flows. It is a great tool to get a bird's eye view of your financial worth.Money Manager Ex includes all the basic features that most users would want to see in a personal finance application. The design goals are focus on simplicity and user-friendliness - something one can use everyday.Financial management can be complicated if there is no clear understanding of how much money we are receiving or spending. The first step towards financial stability is to maintain good financial records: it's only when we have a clear understanding of where our money goes, that we can make an informed decision of where to cut back on expenses. There is no right or wrong answer to spending money but personal finance software will help you analyze the financial data and give a better insight into what is going on. If you have started thinking of using Personal finance software, you are well on your way to making every dollar count.☆ ACCOUNTS AND CURRENCIESWizard to simplify creation of accounts and start using MMEX for Android. You have the flexibility of creating accounts in any of the multiple currencies available.☆ TRANSACTIONSTake note of all expenses and incoming in a clear view: divide and highlight them with different status. Search, filter and sort by every field to have a clear situation of bank accounts at any time.☆ PAYEES AND CATEGORIESCategories indicate the reason an expenditure is made or an income is received. Payees are the people or the institutions that give money or who are paid for goods and services.☆ RECURRING TRANSACTIONSSpecial transactions set up in order to have the transaction entered into the database at some future date. They generally occur at regular intervals based on a schedule.☆ STOCKSTrack stocks/mutual fund investments grouping them in specific account. Automatically update the portfolio downloading quotes from the preferred website.☆ ASSET ALLOCATIONCreate your preferred allocation and track progress by updating the security prices online.☆ ASSETSTrack fixed assets and incorporate them within total financial worth. Every single asset could be undervalued/increased by a specific rate per year or left unchanged.☆ BUDGETINGSet up a budget for a year and/or a month. Then compare money spent versus actual budget with specific or custom reports. On Android we currently support a read-only view of the Budgets.☆ CROSS PLATFORMWe provide builds for the most common operating systems: Windows, MacOS and Linux Ubuntu. It's possible to use it also on other OS building it directly from source code.☆ CLOUD SYNCHRONIZATIONWith cloud synchronization you can keep your expenses and income up-to-date on your PCs, notebooks, and all of your Android devices. Using common cloud storage providers, you can share your data with other family members.☆ MULTI-LANGUAGEIf you want to join our translation team: and sign in.☆ BETA VERSIONYou can also try the latest version from It can be installed in parallel with the stable version. Using this you can assist with testing the latest releases.☆ CONTACTemail: android@moneymanagerex.orgWeb: Community: