
Omnis - Digital Inc.

Intell for Ingress

*** IMPORTANT NOTE***** this app runs on data hosted by Ingress

Intell for Ingress

*** IMPORTANT NOTE***** this app runs on data hosted by Ingress. Prior to leaving a bad ratingplease try and note the load time and please take that in consideration when leaving your review thank you. Intell for Ingress brings 2 great things to any serious agent1.) Full-screen using every single pixel optimizing the use of the Intel map on your display. (great for screenshots of your linking and fielding work)2.) Gives the user quick access to the Intel map via the notification bar.(convenient no matter what your doing on your device) will also -Remembers your last viewed location -Option to load on you current location-Open Links from the Intel Map shared by other agents-Provide you with the option to navigate directly to the link location.If your going to leave a bad review on speedplease at least be running version 1.8 and on LTE or wifiAND be mindful that the data this app uses is hosted by Nianticif their set up is slow at that moment this app will reflect sign up to test beta versions join our beta community app uses Google Analytics to gather anonymous usage statistics. This includes general information such as the number of times the app is launched, and session duration. No personal information is ever collected and or stored.---------Ads-------------This app contains ads