Multiple images to PDF - fast and easy PDF maker
PDFbook is a very simple PDF maker to combine multiple image files into one PDF file
Multiple images to PDF - fast and easy PDF maker
PDFbook is a very simple PDF maker to combine multiple image files into one PDF file. Supports most image types and can be used for free. Convert whole image directory to PDF, choose desired quality and go. Maximum quality results in a larger PDF size, reduced quality to a very small file size.PDFbook has a very easy user interface. Just add pictures and run to combine multiple images or folder to PDF. Using this PDF maker you find that there is nothing to make things difficult. In time, extra features will be added according to what users request. The app has been made to be as easy and fast as possible to convert multiple images to PDF instantly. Easiest to use and most simple PDF maker on Google play!The created PDFs are found in a folder named PDFfiles at your root directory!