
Первая помощь - Карманный доктор

Version for IOSPresents action in case of the most common diseases, injuries, damage in the home and on the road before the arrival of medical assistance

Первая помощь - Карманный доктор

Version for IOSPresents action in case of the most common diseases, injuries, damage in the home and on the road before the arrival of medical assistance. Errors are pre-medical self-help, consumer manifestations of drug dependence. Covered the situation with fainting and nose bleeding, fever and food poisoning, insect bites and animals, thermal burns and stinging, a sharp increase in blood pressure, accidents.How to useAccording to the principle of lights:Green light indicates what you need to do first.Yellow - which is possible in this situation.Red about what not to do.To view the pictures, click once on the smaller copy.Content:1. Increase in body temperature (flu, ARD)2. Headache3. The sharp increase in blood pressure (BP), hypertensive crisis4. Hypotension5. Rhythm disturbance of the heart (arrhythmia)6. Pain, burning, gravity in the chest7. Stroke8. Backache9. Abdominal pain10. Allergic reactions11. Hangover12. Epistaxis13. Fainting14. Insomnia15. Electric shock and lightning16. Food poisoning or accidental medication, technical fluid17. Diarrhea18. Constipation19. Obesity20. Convulsions, epilepsy21. Burns22. Akne23. Sunstroke24. Frostbite and hypothermia25. Bee sting, wasp, bumblebee, hornet26. Tick bite27. Small pets bite (hamsters, mice, rats), dogs, cats, foxes28. Snake bite29. Burns from stinging jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, injections of fish30. Burns from plants31. Sea urchin needlestick32. Surface wounds, abrasions33. Severe bleeding from the wound34. Bruises, sprains35. Broken limbs36. Choked on food, foreign body37. Brain commotion38. Household poisoning, carbon monoxide, automobile exhaust gases39. Drowning40. Signs of clinical death41. Resuscitation techniquesAuthorsIdea and content:Chaytsev Viacheslav - a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, a specialist in urgent conditions and preventive medicine with experience on five continents.Computer embodiment and designEvgeny Shaposhnikov - engineer, programmer.Main ReadingFedorov NM CPR. - MIA, M., 2008.Chaytsev VG Forming of the life habits and health of the family and the school. - Press, Ryazan, 2009.David W. Where there is no doctor. 18th pr., U.S.A., 1998.Ireland on the Sunday Home doctor. Dublin, 2008.Junior citizen handbook. Metropolitan police.