


Everything new in the ANTENNE BAYERN app: All streams at a glance, directly on the homepage


Everything new in the ANTENNE BAYERN app: All streams at a glance, directly on the homepage. To do this, remember songs for later and create song-Merklisten. In addition: always up-to-date with news from Bavaria and the world, at the push of a button directly on the homepage - in addition to weather, traffic and speed cameras and current programmactions.And of course, you will find all the activities of ANTENNE BAYERN bundled at a glance in the ANTENNE BAYERN App.The radio app from ANTENNE BAYERN is free and has the following features:- all 18 music channels at a glance, directly on the homepage- Playlists of these music channels with additional information on the musical tracks - and memorization function for songs and songs- Bosch wrong way driver warnings- Latest news from Bavaria and the world - including urgent news by push message- Current traffic news from Bavaria- Current flash messages- Weather in Bavaria, forecast for the coming days, rain radar etc.- Merkliste for your favorite songs- Program sections- Contact options and much more.With this app you get not only the current radio program from ANTENNE BAYERN, but also Bavaria's fastest Geisterfahrer, traffic and lightning service from the ANTENNE BAYERN Verkehrszentrum always up-to-date on your mobile phone. With the help of the ANTENNE BAYERN app, you are now immediately warned of dangerous situations by ghost riders. This is made possible by the new app function - developed by technology company Bosch. The app alerts both wrong-way drivers and all other road users - and that in an instant via push message.Every morning, you can wake up with the radio program from ANTENNE BAYERN or choose your favorite stream from over 18 webradios.ANTENNE BAYERN Top 40ANTENNE BAYERN 80er KulthitsANTENNE BAYERN 90er-HitsANTENNE BAYERN Hip HopANTENNE BAYERN Coffee MusicANTENNE BAYERN Black BeatzANTENNE BAYERN ChilloutANTENNE BAYERN Classic Rock LiveANTENNE BAYERN Fresh 4 YouANTENNE BAYERN HitmixANTENNE BAYERN Hits for KidsANTENNE BAYERN LovesongsANTENNE BAYERN Oldies but GoldiesANTENNE BAYERN Party-HitsANTENNE BAYERN SchlagersahneANTENNE BAYERN WeihnachtshitsANTENNE BAYERN WorkoutANTENNE BAYERN Event RadioANTENNE BAYERN Relax