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Rondeau Seminars

Knowledge is power, and life is for learning

Rondeau Seminars

Knowledge is power, and life is for learning.  With continuingeducation courses in dentistry and orthodontics from Rondeau Seminars,you can rejuvenate your passion for your dental practice by learningnew skills, new techniques, and new services to offer your patients.By incorporating orthodontics, TMJ, and snoring & sleep apneatreatments into your general dental practice, you'll not only boostyour practice's income, but you'll learn how to improve the health ofyour patients by offering a more complete range of treatments.Dr. Brock Rondeau has been committed to the advancement of knowledgeand continuing education in orthodontics, TMJ treatment and snoringand sleep apnea for general and pediatric dentists for over 25 years.Rondeau Seminars offers training courses and seminars in severallocations across North America as well as online. Explore the linksbelow to see how you and your patients can benefit from thesecomprehensive dental continuing education courses.