
Paranormal Shadows UK

The Portal

Please read app opening message carefully, Installing the audio files only has to be done once

The Portal

Please read app opening message carefully, Installing the audio files only has to be done once.Steve Huff of Huff Paranormal was looking to experiment with vocal tones from various age & gender people.This Portal app will sweep randomly between 1400 reversed audio files at a random with sweep speed slider.Segmented Audio Bank content:Young male & femaleMiddle aged male & femaleElderly male & female& whispers to see if they can choose a voice tone to give us intelligent responses to questions asked.During your sessions look for intelligent replies to questions asked & always keep the audio reversed for better validation of audio manipulation.PSI Weblink: thanks to Appydroid for releasing the background code.App developed on from base code supplied from Unity Project by Appydroid.