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Mesothelioma Malignant Tumor Staging Chemotherapy

Mesothelioma a Type of Lung Cancer that Develops from the thin Layer of Tissue

Mesothelioma Malignant Tumor Staging Chemotherapy

Mesothelioma a Type of Lung Cancer that Develops from the thin Layer of Tissue.More than 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by exposure to asbestos. The higher the disclosure, the higher the risk.As of 2013, about 125 million people have been exposed to asbestos at work. High rates of disease occur in people who mine asbestos, produce products from asbestos, work with asbestos products, live with asbestos workers, or work in buildings containing asbestos.Asbestos exposure and the onset of cancer are generally separated by about 40 years. Washing the clothing of someone who worked with asbestos also increases the risk. Other risk factors include genetics and infection with the simian virus 40. The diagnosis may be suspected based on chest X-ray and CT scan findings and is confirmed by either examining fluid produced by cancer or by a tissue biopsy of the tumor. References Official: Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAsbestos CancerIt’s made up of silicon, oxygen, hydrogen and other metallic ions. Asbestos fibers are strong, flexible and won’t burn. They also insulate very well and don’t break down easily. Asbestos was used in old plastics, paper products, and floor tiles. In most cases, asbestos fibers are combined with a material that binds them together, producing asbestos containing material, otherwise known as ACM. Many industrial goods are made of ACM, including sealants, cement pipe, and insulation.Four specific diseases have been associated with asbestos exposure: Asbestosis (a severe, chronic, non cancerous fibrous hardening and scarring of the lungs), mesothelioma (a cancer of the thin membranes lining the abdominal and thoracic cavities and surrounding internal organs), pleural plaque and thickening (scarring of the lining of the bladder) and lung cancer.MesotheliomaSynonyms Malignant mesotheliomaCT scan showing a left-sided mesothelioma with an enlarged mediastinal lymph nodeSpecialty OncologySymptoms Shortness of breath, swollen abdomen, chest wall pain, cough, feeling tired, weight loss[1]Complications Fluid around the lung[1]Usual onset Gradual onset[2]Causes ~ 40 years after exposure to asbestos[3]Risk factors Genetics, infection with simian virus 40[3]Diagnostic method Medical imaging, examining fluid produced by cancer, tissue biopsy[2]Prevention Decreased asbestos exposure[4]Treatment Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, pleurodesis[5]Prognosis Five-year survival ~8% (US)[6]Frequency 60,800 (affected during 2015)[7]Deaths 32,400 (2015)[8]Contents1 Signs and symptoms1.1 Pleural mesothelioma1.2 Peritoneal mesothelioma1.3 Pericardial mesothelioma1.4 End stage mesothelioma2 Cause2.1 Asbestos2.1.1 Occupational2.1.2 Paraoccupational secondary exposure2.1.3 Asbestos in buildings2.2 Genetic disposition2.3 Erionite2.4 Other3 Pathophysiology3.1 Systemic3.2 Intracellular3.3 Immune system4 Diagnosis4.1 Imaging4.2 Biopsy4.3 Immunochemistry4.4 Subtypes4.5 Differential diagnosis4.6 Staging5 Prevention6 Screening7 Treatment7.1 Surgery7.2 Radiation7.3 Chemotherapy7.4 Immunotherapy7.5 Heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy7.6 Multimodality therapy8 Prognosis9 Epidemiology9.1 UK10 History11 Society and culture11.1 Notable cases11.2 Legal issues12 Research13 References14 External linksDisclaimer:This App "Mesothelioma Wikipedia - App No Official" has been created as a resource for mesothelioma patients and their families. The information has not been prepared or endorsed by medical or legal professionals. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Patients should consult your doctor for medical advice and a lawyer for legal advice.