
Ideas Lab Group

Zambian Constitution

It is presented in a readable scroll and swipe view format

Zambian Constitution

It is presented in a readable scroll and swipe view format. Scroll using scroll buttons or touch gestures, it even has a snapshot function. This is a must have for all well meaning Zambians who own an android powered device and want to have the Law of the Motherland at a touch of a button.PREAMBLEWE, THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA:ACKNOWLEDGE the supremacy of God Almighty;DECLARE the Republic a Christian Nation while upholding aperson’s right to freedom of conscience, belief or religion;UPHOLD the human rights and fundamental freedoms of everyperson;COMMIT ourselves to upholding the principles of democracy andgood governance;RESOLVE to ensure that our values relating to family, morality,patriotism and justice are maintained and all functions of the Stateare performed in our common interest;CONFIRM the equal worth of women and men and their right tofreely participate in, determine and build a sustainable political, legal,economic and social order;RECOGNISE AND UPHOLD the multi-ethnic,multi-racial,multi-religiousand multi-cultural character of our Nation and our right to manageour affairs and resources sustainably in a devolved system ofgovernance;RESOLVE that Zambia shall remain a unitary, multi-party anddemocratic sovereign State;RECOGNISE AND HONOUR the freedom fighters who fought for theindependence of our Nation in order to achieve liberty, justiceand unity for the people of Zambia;AND DIRECT that all State organs and State institutions abide byand respect our sovereign will;DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY ADOPT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION: