

Pranayama Chakra : Breathing Exercises

Breath through your Chakras and improve your Prana flow with Yogic ancient breathing technique Pranayama

Pranayama Chakra : Breathing Exercises

Breath through your Chakras and improve your Prana flow with Yogic ancient breathing technique Pranayama.Tibetan monks chanting the Om mantra in 7 different tones , corresponding to each Chakra.Customoze your breathing rate and flow through all your Chakras imagining the Prana entering the Chakra as you inhale and cleaning it as you exhale.Imagine the Prana as a energy light corresponding to each Chakra:Muladhara : red Svadhisthana :orange Manipura : yellowAnahata : greenVishuddha : blueAjna : indigoSahasrara : violetThe Yoga meditation on Chakras should begin with the lowest Chakra Muladhara then switching to the upper one till the crown Chakra Sahasrara, every chakra meditation can be started by chanting Om mantra several minutes , after that you can begin the breathing exercise.