
Musab Ataş

Belgeseller | Belgesel İzle

This Documentaries application provides you with the documents on Youtube in categories

Belgeseller | Belgesel İzle

This Documentaries application provides you with the documents on Youtube in categories. Through this application, you can watch documentaries from Youtube.And watch 9 Documentary Live TV broadcast.(Only on Turkish for now.)Version Categories:1) World War 1 Documentaries2) World War 2 Documentaries3) Intelligence Documentaries4) Cars Documentaries5) Military Documentaries6) The BBC Documentaries7) Biography Documentaries8) Child Documentaries9) Nature Documentaries10) World History Documentaries11) True Stories Documentaries12) Mystery Documentaries13) Aviation Documentaries14) Space Documentaries15) Life / Human and Animal DocumentariesLive TV Broadcasts (Only in Turkish for now)1 - TRT Belgesel TV2 - DMAX TV3 - TGRT Belgesel4 - Akıllı TV5 - Makine TV6 - Otomotiv Dünyası TV7 - Av TV8 - Çiftçi TV9 - Yaban TVAdd your favorite documents to Favorites and archive them.You can also download wallpapers from the extra section in the application and add stylish views to your phone's main screen.