
Antonio Luis Climent Albaladejo

Multi-digit division

This application allows to practice multi-digits division using the standard algorithm

Multi-digit division

This application allows to practice multi-digits division using the standard algorithm.The interface has been simplified as much as has been possible. The application starts in an screen with a divisor of 1 digit and the instructions to make the proposed division. When you press the back button, the application shows the screen with the simplest task and you can display a dropdown menu with all the available options:"FORMING GROUPS THAT ARE EQUAL IN SIZE" introduces you the concept of division."DIVIDEND, DIVISOR AND QUOTIENT" captures these three concepts with practice."REMAINDER" is another concept that emerges in the same way when the division of integer numbers is not exact."WORK WITH DIVISOR OF 2 DIGITS" allows practice the standard algorithm with this kind of division."WORK WITH DIVISOR OF 3 DIGITS" and "WORK WITH DIVISOR OF 4 DIGITS" are similar to the previous one."HOMEWORK" allows send by email some divisions and its results with the number of digits used last time."SCORE TO ZERO" to reset the saved bookmark.The application uses a lot of feedback by text and text to speech, allowing that students can follow easily the development of arithmetic operations.