Slot machine cherry master
Slot machine Cherry Master GameRequirements>At last, You can meet the cherry master game in Android
Slot machine cherry master
Slot machine Cherry Master GameRequirements>At last, You can meet the cherry master game in Android.We show this old game.You enjoy in the past.You can see your ranking(It added the ranking this version).*****************************300 points are served when you startContents in menu1.Game start 2.Get credit 3.Odd list4.VS Mode ******"In Game start screen"******* *Menu(Auto):Menu button is change into 'Auto' when you run the slot.*Max:Max bet button*Bet:you can bet min.8 to max 96*Start(Stop):You can use stop button when run the slot. 4 buttons are in the Game screen. Min,Bet is 8.If you want to get bonus point,Your bet must over 16.Except for cherry bonus.( is 96 , below 16 bet you can get cherry bonus only) When you get the points with slot game, you can try double-up chance if closed card is high or low.The double-up game increse 2 times of game points when you success.If you success five time of double-up,you get the 50 times of slot game point.- Double-up rule - - Big(8~10,J,Q,K) - Small(1~6) - Even(7)You can change the game credit through "GET CREDIT"game.When your points are below 300 points.But, "GET CREDIT"game do not start if your points are over 300 points.*****************************************************VS MODE(Network battle mode)- 5000 points are served at first connection, below 0 point,the game is quit automatically.- You can play the vsmode game by network with other player.It takes the scores from you to other player when other player is got the scores or It takes the scores from other player to you when you are got the scores.When you can't play VS modeTry to restart the game!