Hamburg Metro – HVV U-Bahn & S-Bahn map and routes
Hamburg Metro gives you the knowhow you need to get from A to B
Hamburg Metro – HVV U-Bahn & S-Bahn map and routes
Hamburg Metro gives you the knowhow you need to get from A to B. No Matter whether you are commuting or visiting the city the smartest route is taking Hamburg Metro along for the ride.You choose the journey, we'll provide the route.● Select a route type, which is right for you, either the fastest or which has the fewest changes.● Calculate your route. Know how long your journey will take and how many stations you will pass through.● Easy to search for a subway station or find the nearest to where you are now.● A clear map with pan and zoom enabling you to view easily while on the move.● It's FREE so does include adverts. To go 'ad free' there's an in-app purchase available.If you’re thinking of visiting Munich or Berlin, make sure you check out our Munich Metro MVG Map & Route and Berlin Subway BVG Map & Route apps on Google Play:Join us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @MapwayApps. Let's stay in touch.