
Faluna Automation

SMS Acknowledge

Requires Android version 4

SMS Acknowledge

Requires Android version 4.4.4 (KitKat) or higherSMS Ackowledge will generate an alarm (fullsize screen) when an SMS text message is received from one of the configurated phone numbers.This screen shows the SMS message text in large fonts so it's possible to read and ackowledge the alarm without having to lock up your phone and start your normal sms application.It's possible to configurate different phone numbers, different sounds and different alam duration time.It's also possible to configurate if the alarm shall ring and vibrate even if the volume is in silent mode.When an alarm is generated, then you must acknowledge it, otherwise it will keep sounding the duration time that is configurated for the phone number that sends the message.If the alarm is acknowledged then it stops sounding and the alarm will be market as ackowledged in the alarm listIf it is not acknowledged then the alarm will stop sound after the duration time but it will be marked as not ackowledged in the alarm list.It's possible to ackowledge the alarm from the alarm list.When an alarm is ackowledged then this app can react in two different ways.If there is configurated an ackowledge number then the app will return the SMS text to this number and then stop sounding, the alarm will be marked as ackowledged with SMS.If there is no ackowledge number configurated then the app will only stop sounding and the alarm will be marked as ackowledged in the phone.This app is perfect for anyone that is on-call and can't afford to miss an important alarm text message.But it can be used by everone that wants to be notified when a text message from an important phone number is received.Many Smartphone users like to silent their phones in public places, but would like to know when an important SMS text message is received. SMS Ackowledge allows you to store different sounds and behaviorsSo you may configure one for your on-call work with a longer alarm duration overriding silent mode and maybe with ackowledging SMS respond.Other numbers can be configurated with other sounds, silent mode and without responding SMS.This app is perfect for receiving and ackowleding important text message from SCADA system.In fact it was developped for this reasons and is tested and proved to work with Uni-View and Cactus Eye.This app will probably work with other SCADA systems showing SMS text messages and generating an alarm screen, sounding until acknowledged and so on.The function for sending an ackowledge SMS only sends the same message back to the configurated phone number.There is no garantee that this will ackowledge the alarm in your SCADA system, it´s up to you to verify that your SCADA system works this way-