
Deutsche Bank AG

Deutsche Bank photoTAN

photoTAN-App for Deutsche Bank - easy and secure Online-Banking with photoTANYou can authorize online and mobile banking transactions with the photoTAN-App - easy, secure and fast

Deutsche Bank photoTAN

photoTAN-App for Deutsche Bank - easy and secure Online-Banking with photoTANYou can authorize online and mobile banking transactions with the photoTAN-App - easy, secure and fast.Activation:Please log in to Deutsche Bank OnlineBanking, click on "Services" >> "Security Procedures" and request an activation letter. When you have received the activation letter you can activate your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Once you have activated your device you can use the photoTAN-App to authorize online and mobile banking transactions. Easy Usage:After entering your order details (e.g. for a transfer order) in Deutsche Bank OnlineBanking you will see a coloured photoTAN graphic. Please scan the graphic with your activated photoTAN-App and the App will generate a TAN and display the order details. After verification of the displayed order details you may enter the TAN in your Online-Banking and carry out the transaction.For more information about photoTAN please visit (in German language only).