About Ethiopia android app is a good remainder informative, educative and entertaining app. Language Covered in this book Amharic, Oromifa(Afaan Oromoo, Tigrigna, English.Ethiopia is a land of wonder and enchantment, a country with one of the richest histories on the African continent, a land of contrasts and surprises, of remote and wild places, home to cultured and friendly people who are descended from some of the world's oldest civilizations. Beautiful, ethical, sweet, hospitable, admirable.
The variety of Ethiopian gives great flavor to life.About Ethiopia android app will give you info and general knowledge about Ethiopia. Ethiopia has a large variety of indigenous plants and animal species. The Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural beauty is amazing. This app is simple remainder informative, educative About Ethiopia , Geography , History , People , Economy , Facts and Figures , Infrastructure , Investment , About the Government , The Constitution , Fundamental Rights and Freedoms , Government Structure , Regional States more... inform yourself renew your knowledge about your beloved Ethiopia. In this planet we all share it is the place where your origin & your root started. Keep connect to your homeland. Enjoy!
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