Looking for a fun, challenging Spades game? Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!Features include:• Support for Partnership Spades, Mirror Spades, Suicide Spades, Whiz Spades, and Solo Spades (Cut Throat)• Play with jokers and/or deuces as high trump• Pass up to two cards to partner on nil bids• Hints: see what the computer would bid, play, or pass• Show hints and/or check your play as you play. Great for learning!• The Rest Are Mine (TRAM) - claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high• Undo
moves all the way to the beginning of the game• Review the play of the hand trick by trick at the end of the hand• Replay hand• Achievements. Challenge yourself to accomplish them all!• Leaderboard. Climb to the top of the leaderboard as you win!• Player statistics• Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players• Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different Spades rules• Designed for both tablets and phonesRule customizations include:• Blind nil: behind by 100, behind by 200, always, never• Nil/blind nil bonus: 100 or 200 points• Nil: allow nil, play without nil, or play with a zero bid• Nil passing: pass up to two cards to partner on nil bids• Failed bid penalty: ten times bid, ten times tricks short, or no penalty• Bag penalty: 10 bags/100 points, 5 bags/50 points, or no penalty• Overtrick (bag) points: 1 point, no points, or -1 point• Lead: left of dealer, two of clubs leads, everyone plays lowest club• Trump first trick: yes or no• Spades can be lead anytime: yes or no• Must beat winning card on trick: yes or no• Game over options: number of hands or number of pointsWe are continuing to develop and improve NeuralPlay Spades. We welcome all your feedback. Please contact us at support@neuralplay.com.
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