DESCRIPTION:In this installment of the "Frontline Series", The players are confronted with 30 Historical Battles during Operation: Barbarossa, Typhoon & Zitadelle, 1941-1945The variety of maps and battle situations is what makes "Frontline: Eastern Front" so different and engaging.All units will upgrade & unlock new features and behaviors such as: Transport, Camouflage, Snipe, Shell shock, APCR, Over-watch,Smoke, Luftwaffe Strike, special Panzers and much more!Strategy and Squad coordination, th
e study of enemy tactics and use of Special abilities is keyFEATURES:* 200+ units* 30 unique scenarios* Unique objectives for every map* Scripted events* No turn limit* Designed for phones & tablets* IAP: We may charge for DLC's onlyFacebook: policy: of service:
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