Are you bored to make playlists?Are you tired of creating playlists?Try Soundtrack Studio!Soundtrack Studio for Android is a music player that introduces the radio automation into mobile world.Made by the producers of DJPro, the world-wide famous radio automation software, Soundtrack lets you listen to your favorite music with an automatic song selection, performing a crossing and fadeout between two songs.You can prepare your own schedules through genre/folder/artist selection modes.It can play
: .AMR, .AAC, .M4A, .MID, .MP3, .MP4, .Ogg/Vorbis, .WAV, .WMA files.-------------------------------------------------------KEY-FEATURES-automatic song selection;-automatic cross-fade;-customizable scheduling by genre/folder/artist;-VuMeter/waveform;-re-scan SD function, for refreshing media library in case of new added/removed songs;-supported languages: BG, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PT;-log of played songs;-log of operations;-"Send To" function, to share your songs with your devices;-drag & drop in playlist;-Filter & Search-------------------------------------------------------TIPS-tap on VuMeter to switch to waveform;-tap on playing item to switch to big view; tap again to switch to 3d view;-tap on thumbnails in playlist to drag 'n drop;-long tap on items in playlist to view operations;-------------------------------------------------------TUTORIALS1) HOW TO CREATE A RULE-from the main layout, press OPTION button-tap on Schedule-tap on Add rule-if you want to select a random song by genre, select it from the genre list (ex: POP), then (if you have a small display, scroll down) press OK button-you can add another rule (ex: genre=ROCK)-to edit a rule, just tap on it-to delete a rule, long tap on it-press BACK buttonNow in order to change the playlist, you can wait until the current playlist is played, or re-generate the playlist.The playlist will load a song POP and another ROCK continuously.2) HOW TO RE-GENERATE THE PLAYLIST-from the main layout, press OPTION button-tap on Re-generate playlist-the playlist will be re-generated using the specified rules (or just selection random songs if no rule has been specified)-------------------------------------------------------COMMENTSBefore give a low-rate, please send your suggestions/comments to development@axeltechnology.comThank you.******************************************************************Now you can play the soundtrack of your life in one TAP!******************************************************************
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