*** Facebook and Google login is temporarily disabled. You can associate a password with the email used in facebook, by clicking the Forgot Password link, and use that to login. Please bear with us until we enable login through Gmail and Facebook.*** Curious about all the different species present near you? See a plant or an animal species you want to know about, document and share? The Bhutan Biodiversity Portal (IBP) Android app now allows you to map Bhutan's precious biodiversity through citi
zen science. Access to the app is via a simple registration and login process. Included in the app are the- 'Browse Observations' feature to see details of any species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians or fish that have been sighted and submitted from near your location- 'Upload Observations' feature to submit images, GPS locations and also add comments on the biodiversity you encounter anywhere in Bhutan. A draft sighting with GPS coordinates can be saved for submission at a later time.Interested in knowing more? Please visit us at http://biodiversity.bt/
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