Samsung Galaxy S7 - Camera ModDevices with ROOT permissions only (SuperSU + Magisk)** S7 devices only **Mod Features:* H265 / HEVC Mode* QHD @ 60fps (2560x1440)(** Exynos only **)* 4K HDR* Adjust Edge Sharpness + Noise settings(** Exynos only **)* Choose a custom Gallery to open images and videos e.g. QuickPic* Custom Shutter Speeds. Increase more than 10 seconds.* ISO
40 mode for Pro* Removes 4GB maximum video file size limit.* Adjust video bitrates mbps.* Adjust JPG quality settings including burst shots.* Update Camera version to latest Samsung revision.* Focus Tracking for all modes - 4K / QHD / 1080p60* Video Effects for modes - 4K / QHD* Remove Low Battery Flash Limit at 15%.* Uses optional Magisk ModuleG930 / G935 - Galaxy S7 models ONLYUpdated with the latest Camera revisions - Oreo v7.6.82 (EREM) v7.6.39 / Nougat + MM 6.5.63 / MM 5.0.97Check your own Camera version - Settings > Applications > CameraAndroid 6.x / 7.x / 8.x supported.Telegram Support Group Link + JPG burst shotsSlow Motion4KQHD1080p601080p720pTo check video bitrates and JPG quality settings use the tools MediaInfo and JPGsnoop. Easily found from Google.Only purchase if you have a samsung Galaxy S7 device that has ROOT permissions.G930FG935FG930FDG935FDG930FW8G935FW8G930KG935KG930LG935LG930SG935SG9300G9308G930AZG935AZG930AG935AG930T1G935T1G930R6G935R6G930R7G935R7G930PG935PG930TG935TG930R4G935R4G930VG935VG930UG935UG891A
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