University Admin PanelThe University Admin Panel can be divided into 6 Sections. Each section allows the user to manipulate a different part of the system with the goal of creating an election. The panel can be accessed via a web page on any browser.DashboardThe dashboard provides quick links to any of the tabs as discussed below. Any recent information pertaining to the students or elections is displayed in summary form on this pageStudentsThe students tab allows the user to import a database o
f student numbers from the university. This is necessary to verify that people who will be creating a new account with the app are students at the university which they have selected. Student profiles can be viewed, edited, or deleted from this sectionPartiesThe parties tab allows the user to create any number of parties which are associated with the university.In creating a party the user can specify the party name, create short and long descriptions (manifesto), add images as well as social media links relating to the partyThe status of a party (active or inactive) can be set as per the userCandidatesIn this section, the user can assign students to the previously created parties.In addition to a student being linked to party, each candidate can have an additional description as well as any personal social media linksElectionsThe final step in creating the election is to compile all the pieces. The user can select which parties will be involved in the upcoming election. The user is also able to select which candidates will be participating in the respective parties.The election information such as the title and short description, number of allowed votes, images and beginning and end dates can all be set during this process.The user can access the voting data as well as analytical data with regards to any completed election.NewsletterThe newsletter function allows the user to send any election related information to the registered students within the university.The university admin panel has a log function which tracks and monitors all activity on the website. This function has been implemented to ensure the validity of any action.Student Interfaces & Voting ProcedureOnce a university has uploaded a student database, students will be able to register on any of the platforms (iOS, Android, or Web Interface). Their student number will be verified and a confirmation email sent to them. Students can do the following via the website or mobile applications:View any upcoming, present, or past elections related to their universityCast a vote during a running electionView their own votes of past electionsView and edit their profile as well as change their login passwordsView any election notificationsUse the help files for any necessary assistance as well as send a contact request formThe voting procedure involves several steps to ensure the security and validity of each vote. The procedure is as follows:Students are required to login to their profiles using their credentialsStudents can peruse the list of parties and the respective candidatesOnce they have decided, students can review their selectionIn order to cast a vote, students are required to input their student number to receive their OTPThe OTP will be sent to their mobile phone or email addressOnce the OTP has been successfully entered, the vote will be acceptedOnce voted, students will not be able to cast another vote or make any changesStudents are still able to view the electionNote: Students are not aware of the university admin panel nor are they granted access to any part of it. The student will never interface with this section or be allowed to view the in-depth analytical reporting unless allowed to by the SRC.
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