Limits Calculator: a useful statistical analysis tool.Calculates the lower & upper limits based on the target value and its % tolerance. OrCalculates the lower & upper limits based on statistical data.Limits from value and % tolerance: Input the target value and the % tolerance. Example for a 1 K ohm resistor at 1% tolerance , the limits will be Lower Limit = 990 ohms, Upper Limit = 1010 ohms.Limits from Data Values: Input the desired Sigma Level (1-7). See
menu Sigma Level to Cpk for cross reference Sigma Level to Cpk and to Projected Yield. Next input the Data mean. This can be from an excel spread sheet or other source that calculates your data's mean. Lastly input the data's standard deviation. Example, sigma level of 4 (Cpk - 1.33, Projected yield of 99.38%), data mean of 2000, and standard deviation of 100 will give a Lower Limit of 1601 and Upper Limit of 2399. This program is useful in determining limits for a process based on your desired yield using the measurement data from the process. Great for validating limits. Allows you to run through different scenarios on what fallout to expect based on the limits and the actual results. Menu has excel formulas to show you how to perform these calculations in Excel.
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