MULTISERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES FOR NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL ASPECTS OF CONSEQUENCE MANAGEMENTThis publication is designed for use at the tactical and operational level. It defines the roles of military units and staffs involved in planning and executing integrated military operations other than war (MOOTW) actions/missions in a possible nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environment. This manual provides multiservice tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) on t
he Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) role in consequence-management (CM)operations. Congress has determined and the National Command Authority (NCA) has directed that the military become more involved in supporting crisis and CM operations. Acknowledging the services’ inherent capabilities for supporting federal, state, and localgovernments, the Congress has passed numerous laws providing for CM support. These laws also recognize that theNational Guard (NG) may provide the initial support when military assistance is required. They also institutionalizeinterdepartmental and interagency coordination/planning, linking it to the national strategy. The planning andcoordination that takes place does so with the realization that the potential NBC environment could be one in which there is deliberate or accidental employment of NBC weapons; deliberate or accidental attacks or contamination with toxic industrial materials (TIM), including toxicindustrial chemicals (TIC); or deliberate or accidental attacks or contamination with radiological materials.
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