Mikes Disc Golf Score Tracker is a simple app, built by a disc golf enthusiast, for disc golf enthusiasts
Mikes Disc Golf Score Tracker is a simple app, built by a disc golf enthusiast, for disc golf enthusiasts. It's simple and easy to use to minimize the time you spend on your phone, yet still easily keep track for a large group of people's scores.This app supports large groups of people playing and courses where the holes may not always add up to 18. Having a group of 12 people playing a full 36 hole course is no problem for Mikes Disc Golf Score Tracker!When you start the game, all the scores ar
e automatically populated at par, with the intent that if you get par on the whole, you don't even need to press a button. The closer to par everyone is, the less time you spend on the phone keeping score. This means more time doing what's fun and less time on the phone, all while keeping track of everyone's scores.
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