Stay tuned -- the 2018 update will be coming out in late August as a free update to your phone!Our Approach—Simple to use! Every BMA document is included. No data connection needed!THIS IS 2017 VERSION -- If you are hunting during the fall of 2017, BE SURE YOU HAVE THE 2017 VERSION! Programs, boundaries, regulations, permissions, and more change every year! -----------------------Our goal with Montana Hunting Access is simple: to give you an easy-to-use, all-in-one guide to hunting Montana.
Every single BMA document is included. Boundaries for BMAs, as well as all public and private lands are included. The app works with your mobile device's GPS and a beautiful mapping interface. And all this information is resident on the phone--YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE CONNECTED VIA WIFI OR CELLULAR TO USE MONTANA HUNTING ACCESS!We designed our app to be intuitive. —We want you to spend your time hunting, not learning how to use our app.We designed our app to work offline.—We know that you’ll be out in the field when you’re hunting (well duh!). In Montana that most often means you won’t have cellular service, much less WiFi. So Montana Hunting Access works regardless if the nearest cell tower is two counties away. Everything you need comes with the app. Just download it and go hunting; we’ve taken care of the rest.We understand the critical information you need.—The single biggest issue for Montana hunters is knowing where you can and cannot hunt. We are laser focused on providing you the most up to date information on public and private land boundaries, as well as private lands that are included in Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Block Management Area (MFWP BMA) program. Montana Hunting Access allows you to use the GPS on your phone or mobile device to see exactly where you’re standing relative to the nearest private/BMA/public property boundary. And we provide every single BMA document associated with all of the state’s 800+ BMAs (yes that means right there on your phone!). Those documents show you, among many things, the location of those illusive sign-in boxes. And of course we provide topographic information for those times when your question is the simplest of all: “Where the heck am I?!”We don’t want to nickel & dime you or complicate your life.—Don’t you hate it when apps ask you to buy something else? Didn’t we just buy the app for goodness sakes?! And we surely don’t want to complicate matters by making you decide which of dozens of possible maps you need to buy. That is a nice option for a cartographer, but for most of us it’s just plain confusing. All those options leave us wondering which map do I buy?; What’s the difference between them?; Am I going to waste money when I realize I purchased a map I didn’t really want? When you buy Montana Hunting Access, we include what you need for this year’s hunting in Montana—no separate purchases required or requested.
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