This application is designed to work with the eBook reader Aldiko. It allows you to sync your books and bookmarks across your devices using your Dropbox account.** Note **The app requires a rooted device to work with Aldiko v2.2.0+. This is because Aldiko no longer allows other apps access to its database.** Note **If you have an issue with the app, please use the in-app "Report Issue" feature, so I can address it as quickly as possible.** Before complaining about the sync frequency in the Pro v
ersion, please read the entry about it in the FAQ here: **Thanks!Requirements: * Android 2.2+ * Aldiko 2.0.2+ (Premium or Free) * Rooted device (Aldiko 2.2.0+) * Dropbox accountFeatures: * Synchronizes eBooks across devices (including addition of new books and deletion of old books) * Synchronizes your position in each eBook across devices. * Pro Version: Fully automatic sync. * Pro Version: Faster sync check for changes on Dropbox. * Pro Version: Trigger sync from an external application (like a Tasker/Locale plugin). * Ability to store deleted books in a separate "TrashCan" folder on Dropbox in case you want to retrieve it at a later date. * Ability to always sync to furthest read point (like the Kindle) Current Limitations: * User defined bookmarks are not synced across devices.Change Log:9.0.6, 29-Apr-2017* Migrate Dropbox interface to new API, as the older version will be disabled on 28-Jun-2017.8.18.20, 23-Mar-2016* Bug-Fix: Fix issue introduced with previous version on CyanogenMod ROM's.8.18.18, 17-Mar-2016* Improve root acquisition compatibility.8.18.14, 07-Mar-2016* Fix issue introduced in previous release: Sync waiting forever while acquiring root the very first time after install/upgrade on devices with Android OS 5.0 (Lollipop) and later. 8.18.10, 06-Mar-2016* Fix issue with acquiring root privileges on certain devices with Android OS 5.1.1 and later.8.14.2, 08-Dec-2015* Bug-Fix: Fix sync not updating position if Aldiko was running in the background on Android OS 5.1.1 (Lollipop MR1) and Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow).8.14.1, 06-Dec-2015* Bug-Fix: (Pro Version) Fix automatic sync not triggering on quitting Aldiko on Android OS 5.1.1 (Lollipop MR1) and Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow).8.12.22, 18-Oct-2015* Updated app to fix issues on Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow)8.12.16, 04-Oct-2015* Bug-Fix: Fix issue with Drobox login form.* Android OS 2.1 (Eclair) no longer supported.8.12.14, 13-Feb-2015* Bug-Fix: Fix issue with acquiring root on devices with CyanogenMod 12 ROM.8.12.8, 11-Feb-2015* Bug-Fix: Fix issue with Dropbox login form.8.12.1, 18-Nov-2014* Updated app to fix issues on Android OS 5.0 (Lollipop)8.10.10, 20-Aug-2014* Bug-Fix: Fix connection issue with Dropbox servers. 8.10.8, 15-Mar-2014* Bug-Fix: Fix sync issues on certain rooted Samsung devices with custom ROM's.* Bug-Fix: (Pro Version) Fix sync not triggering when key guard was disabled on devices with Android OS 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or earlier.* Bug-Fix: Fix compatibility issue with Android OS 4.4 (KitKat)8.10.2, 10-Feb-2014* Bug-Fix: Fix incompatibility issue on rooted MotoX and MotoG devices with Aldiko 2.2.0+.* Bug-Fix: Fix occasional failure to detect the existence of Aldiko's database on rooted devices during the sync app's first run.8.9.4, 02-Nov-2013* Bug-Fix: Fix compatibility issue with databases created with Aldiko 3.0.2.* Bug-Fix: Fix for occasional crashes reported when showing warning dialog boxes.* Bug-Fix: Fix crash when trying to launch Aldiko from within the sync app due to corrupted Aldiko install. 8.9.2, 26-Jul-2013* Support for Dropbox's two-factor authentication.* Updated app to fix issues on Android OS 4.3 (JellyBean MR2)Complete change history available at
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