The app is a complete free handbook of Operating System which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for computer science engineering & software engineering programs & tech degree courses. This useful mobile App lists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professiona
ls. The app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs. Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, add favorite topics, share the topics on social media. You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation, engineering startups, college research work, institute updates, Informative links on course materials & education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at Use this useful engineering application as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus, course material, project work, sharing your views on the blog. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Overview of computer operating systems2. Computer System Organization3. Operating System Structure4. Distributed system5. Operating System services6. System Calls7. System Programs8. Operating System Generation9. Operating-System Services10. Operating-System Interface11. Process Management12. Process Control Block13. Schedulers14. Context switch15. Operations on Processes16. Interprocess Communication17. Sockets18. Remote Procedure Calls19. Remote method invocation20. Threads21. Scheduling Criteria22. Scheduling Algorithms23. Multithreading Models24. Thread Libraries25. Threading Issues26. CPU scheduling27. Multiple-Processor Scheduling28. Symmetric Multithreading29. Thread Scheduling30. Solaris Scheduling31. Windows XP Scheduling32. Linux Scheduling33. Algorithm Evaluation34. Process Synchronization35. The Critical Section Problem36. Synchronization Hardware37. Semaphores38. Classic problems of synchronization39. Monitors40. Atomic Transactions41. Deadlocks42. Deadlock Characterization43. Methods for handling deadlocks44. Deadlock Prevention45. Deadlock Avoidance46. Banker’s algorithm47. Deadlock Detection48. Recovery from Deadlock49. Memory Management Strategies50. Address Binding51. Logical versus Physical Address Space52. Dynamic Linking and Loading53. Swapping54. Contiguous Memory Allocation55. Fragmentation56. Paging57. Hardware Support in paging58. Shared Pages59. Segmentation60. Virtual memory61. System libraries62. Demand Paging63. Copy-on-Write64. Page Replacement65. FIFO Page Replacement66. Optimal Page Replacement67. LRU Page Replacement68. Enhanced Second-Chance Algorithm69. Allocation of Frames70. Thrashing71. Working-Set Model72. Page-Fault Frequency73. Memory-Mapped Files74. Shared Memory in the Win32 API75. Allocating Kernel Memory76. Slab Allocation77. File Concept78. File Operations79. File Types80. Directory Structure81. Directory82. File System Mounting83. File System Structure84. File System Implementation85. Directory Implementation86. Free Space Management87. Recovery88. Log-Structured File Systems89. Network file systems 90. Network file systems protocol91. Magnetic Disks92. Disk Structure93. Disk Attachment94. Disk Scheduling95. Disk ManagementEach topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding. Operating System is part of computer science engineering & software education courses and information technology degree programs at various universities.
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