enTeacher is a collection of exercises and tests for learning and improving English language on different difficulty levels. You can learn new words, correct usage of words in various contexts, grammar and use of English in various situations.OptionsChoosing Options from the main menu you can change the language of the interface and sound options. Attention: Do not mute all the sounds when you are going to do Listening Comprehension exercises. ModesEach exercise can be launched in LEARN or TEST
mode.In LEARN mode, when you give a wrong answer, the question will be repeated later, and the exercise will end only when you finally give correct answers to all the questions.In TEST mode, each question is asked only once, and you will get a mark in 1-6 scale at the end of the test based on the percentage of good answers.Types of exercisesThere are 6 types of exercises. Each type is represented by a different look of icons:- Choose the proper caption for the picture.- Drag the words and put them under the corresponding pictures.- Type the name of the object in the picture.- Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence.- Listen to the material and then choose the correct answer.Difficulty levelsDifferent difficulty levels are represented by the colour of icons:- Very easy - Easy - Lower intermediate- Upper intermediate - Difficult - Very difficult Over 500 exercises (50 exercises are free, rest are paid).If you want to contact us, have questions or suggestions, send e-mail to support@nahliksoft.comor SMS to +48 601 453 194
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