Living Safely provides self-directed learning sessions for 27 important safety skills topics based on proven content developed by the Attainment Company. Living Safely provides an accessible learning tool that is specifically designed to be used directly by individuals with autism, learning or other developmental disabilities at their own pace! Living Safely is powered by Visual Impact, AbleLink’s highly effective cognitively accessible learning tool. Email notifications can be sent after each l
earning session is completed.Living Safely also utilizes the AbleLink Instructional Media Standard (AIMS), AbleLink’s award-winning step-by-step multimedia training system which applies universal design principles to provide multimodal instruction using visual and auditory media. Anyone who needs support with understanding important safety skills necessary for daily living can benefit from the simplicity and self-directed nature of Living Safely.Home SafetyLiving Safely features 13 cognitively accessible learning sessions on Home Safety, including the following topics:- Fire Safety- Bathroom Safety- Medicine Cabinet Safety- Kitchen/Dinning Room Safety- Mealtime- Putting Food Away/Doing Dishes- Doing Dishes by Hand- Dishwasher Safety- Clothes Washer/ Dryer Safety- Garbage Disposal Safety- Strangers at Home- Hand/Power Tool Safety- Electrical SafetyPersonal SafetyLiving Safely features 14 cognitively accessible learning sessions on Personal Safety, including the following topics:- Swimming Safety- Sun Safety- Cold Weather Safety- Sports Safety- Bug Safety- Free Time Safety- Relationship Safety- Internet Safety- Pet Safety- Pedestrian Safety – 1- Pedestrian Safety – 2- Bicycle Safety - Getting Lost- Work Safety
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