Lightweight "ButterFly" browser for fast surfing in internet. You can download it and forget about problems with the memory =)Thanks for 20000 downloads!Major update at 25000 downloads!Advantages:1.It occupies 8 time less memory on storage than other famous professional browsers2.You can import your bookmarks and history from other browsers3.Intuitive user-friendly design4.Gesture-oriented design layout. We serve the easiest way to access Tabs and Bookmarks - with a single swipe! 5.In-built adBl
ocker(an extension for blocking annoying advertisements on web sites)6.Sharing feature 7.Adobe Flash Player support(play any video you want even which requires Flash Player!)8.Tabs and Bookmarks.9.Incognito tabs10.Multiplatform support. 11.Multilanguage support - ButterFly has more than 15 language options including Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, Arabian, Russian, Italian, French and so on. Now you can import your bookmarks from another browser =)Also you can use our website to save your bookmarks =)To get in touch with developers :
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