Ultimate solution for any kind of : Pharmacy, Medicine Store, Departmental Store Pharmacy Management System with Drug Store Inventory, Patients Records, Prescription, Consultancy, Point of Sale, Medicines and Expenses.AboutStore all of your pharmacy and hospital dispensary data for easy retrieval and tracking including your Prescriptions, Drugs, Employees, Clients and Users. Manage all from one simple yet powerful admin system. Get it today!FeaturesCatalogingUse from online or offlineMedicine D
atabasePoint of Sales (POS)Listing of all expenseInvoicingReportingDynamic Dashboard.Daily Sales ReportDaily Expense ReportCurrent Month StatisticsLatest Sales , Expense and MedicineSales GraphQuantity UpdateInventory Stock ManagemrntSale itemPartial paymentExpense ManagementDate to date report generateSales reportExpense reportSales DatabaseEasy SettingsUse any CurrencyPartial PaymentDue Payment ManagementDevice Responsive
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