Created with frictionless color communication in mind, the Spectro App connects to the Spectro 1 device, allowing color professionals to achieve professional-grade color matches and view deep color data any time, anywhere. About Spectro 1: Spectro 1 is a compact, affordable color measurement tool for accurately measuring and communicating color at the professional and industrial level.Using patented and patent-pending technology, Spectro 1 is a true spectrophotometer that delivers accuracy and r
epeatability comparable to expensive bench top spectrophotometers-- for a fraction of the price. Features: -scan, match, and compare colors- view spectral curves for scanned colors-achieve exact match with Spectral curve and LAB values-match to fan decks including Sherwin-Williams, Behr, PPG -view matches under four different light sources including A, F2, D50, and D65 (Incandescent, fluorescent, horizon, and noon daylight) - include 2 & 10 degree observations-store scans and scan data -export scan history, inspection history, and saved colors -save and export spectral curve data in 10 nm increments between 400-700 nm-create and store standards through Saved Colors features-supports multiple dE formulas
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